Ted Trueblood (Cecil Whittaker Trueblood 1913-1982) grew up an Idaho farm boy and rose to become a prolific outdoor writer and conservationist. Trueblood was an editor and writer for Field and Stream magazine for more than 40 years, beginning in the 1940’s. After moving throughout the country for work, Trueblood settled back into his home in southeast Idaho to fish, hunt and write stories. He was a great writer and well remembered for his contribution to both the outdoor sporting literature world and wildlife conservation.
Ted Trueblood books:

How to Catch More Fish
The Angler’s Handbook
The Hunter’s Handbook
The Fishing Handbook
The Camping Handbook

The Ted Trueblood Hunting Treasury
Trout Trouble (with Walter Dower)
Ted Trueblood on Hunting
The Fun of Electronic Fishing
To Cast a Fly

Read more on Ted Trueblood
Field and Stream: Reflections on a Western Legend
Ted got me thru the awkward years of Jr. H.s. I would go to our library before school, after school and for “research projects” which I used to read more Ted stories. Back in the late seventies, our school library was still alph-numerical, with the actual magazines by month and year. I wish I could remember what got me hooked that young. But I know because of his works, I am a better man today. And his stories kept me out of trouble in town like all the other guys were getting into..and I learned a hell of a lot more about true life than any classes on any school could have taught me. So sad today’s young people don’t get that, being this modern world, kids and parents alike have there noses so buried in there smart phones,that don’t even say hi on the sidewalks, what a shame. Gone forever.i am grateful for what this man has done for my life.
Hey Jeffery thanks for sharing. Looking up some of Ted’s books. Can’t even read a synopsis on any of them. Internet only gives information on buying the book. See there is another problem, consuming, money grubbing world. I won’t get into that. I did want to share this with you. I was on YouTube a couple of years ago and came across this man Ted Trueblood. It was a casting instructional video for Fenwick. Ted was casting and testing these rods for them and also explaining proper casting techniques. He was casting from this dock on a pond filled with trout on his property. It was fantastic. It’s not on YouTube anymore, I can’t find it. But I am glad it was on there for a time and I got to watch it.
Also Jeffery I don’t know how your cash flow is but if you get a chance to take a fishing trip this is the place to go. North Central British Columbia. The place is called Spatsizi Wilderness Lodge run by a man named Ray Collingwood. This place is like nothing you’ve seen. It is called The Spatsizi Wilderness Area and has been called the Serengeti of North America. It has the longest undamned river in North America the Stikine River it’s canyon is so deep the sun doesn’t penetrate. Wild rainbows on every cast. Also if you are hardcore, up in northern Quebec just east of the(James Bay) region called Ungava Bay and the Payne River. Arctic Char that are big, aggressive and colored beautifully. Bright red/orange bellies. Check it out.