Horace G. Tapply was a former associate editor of Field & Stream magazine and editor of several other outdoor publications. New England born, Tapply was a founding member of the New England Outdoor Writer’s Association. He is best known for his Field & Stream column, “Tap’s Tips”, where he provided simple but practical bits of advice to sportsmen in each issue.
Tapply’s writings were combined into several books. His son, W.G. Tapply, continued in his father’s tradition with the “Tap’s Tips” column in Field & Stream, as well as being a prolific writer of many fiction novels as well as several collections of his outdoor stories.
H.G. Tapply books:
Tap’s Tips
Tackle Tinkering
The Fly Tyer’s Handbook
The Sportsman’s Notebook
Those Hours Spent Outdoors
Field & Stream’s Secrets of Expert Outdoorsmen

In 1968 Tapply stopped at my fathers farm in Cedarburg, Wisconsin He wrote an article in The Sportsman’s Notebook along with a drawing of my father on a tractor showing where he could hunt.
That’s really neat! Do you still have a copy of the article?