Bryce Towsley is an avid hunter who seems to love the deer woods more than anything else. He’s a very prolific outdoor writer in today’s hunting circles, writing regularly for major publications. Bryce is a field editor for the National Rifle Association’s “American Hunter” magazine, as well as “American Rifleman” and “Shooting Illustrated”. Towsley is also a gun enthusiast, and writes as a columnist for “Gun Digest”.
Towsley remains an avid hunter, handloader and competitive shooter. He continues to write regularly on hunting, loading and guns. He’s well known for his popular books on the legendary Benoit family of whitetail deer hunters from Vermont.
Bryce Towsley books:

Bryce; I know from reading your article in magazines for decades that you are a no nonsense guy. Maybe with your connections…you may know some experts that could answer my question. I have shot 3 elk in Colorado with my TC ENCORE muzzleloader using 348gr copper /plastic tip powerbelts pushed by 150 grains of granular triple 7. None of the bullets exited. Point being…can I find someone with some balls that will answer if I’m ok going up to ??? 160, 175 grains? I called TC as well as the Powerbelt folks and they were useless. I want those bullets to “exit” so I have a chance for a blood trail. 2 of the 3 elk ran 50-75 yds and had no blood trail…so it might be a matter of time before I lose one. Thx in advance for your help.