Nick Lyons is a former English teacher, talented writer, avid fly fisherman and founder of a book publishing company dedicated to outdoor books. Lyons discovered fly fishing in his college days, and as he established himself as a writer, he began to write about fly fishing. There he found his voice, and has been a successful writer ever since.
Nick formed the Lyons Press, a company that published books mainly on fly fishing, but has expanded to other genres in recent years. The Press has helped resurrect a number of old, out of print fly fishing books and given them newfound popularity.
Nick Lyons books:

My Secret Fishing Life
Confessions of a Fly Fishing Addict
Fishing Widows
Fishing Stories
The Seasonable Angler

Books edited by Nick Lyons:

To Mr. Nick Lyons,
Dear Sir, I have read several of your books, Fishing Widows, The Seasonable Angler and now My Secret Fishing Life. Your openness and view of a fly fishers life with all of our human frailties, insecurities and awkward times on a river makes me wish I could fish a Catskill River with you, sit on some streamside boulder and chat and simply talk life. Your stories make me sit and think about my life and laugh about the truth you speak. THANK YOU I hope you are still able to enjoy the flowing waters of a cool trout stream, with out that life can get empty.