Growing up a reader of all things outdoors, I remember eagerly picking up the sports section of the Bangor Daily News to read Tom Hennessey’s column each time it appeared – not just for the simple, reflective nature of his close-to-home writing, but for the art. Hennessey was (and still is) above all things, an incredible artist. His sketches and paintings bring the outdoors to life. For folks fortunate enough to hunt and fish in Maine like Tom does, his art most often brings the Maine outdoors to life. It’s probably safe to say that most outdoors folks don’t have a great appreciation for abstract art. We want to see the real thing. A rendition of the woods and waters our adventures are set in means much more than blotches of color strewn all over the place. Seeing a couple of anglers in a canoe, a salmon on the line and a scenic background reminds us of the places that fill our hearts with joy, and similar experiences we may have had. When you can’t make it to the woods and waters, the next best thing is often a beautiful bit of outdoor art and a short piece that tells the tale. Tom Hennessey’s new book, “Leave Some For Seed”, is filled with stories and artwork that will do just that. In 46 chapters, each around 2-3 pages long, and an equal number of sketches, “Leave Some For Seed” is Hennessey’s third book, and is filled with reflections of newly-retired Hennessey’s hunting and fishing past in Maine. Tom was born and raised in Brewer, Maine, and has been an avid hunter and fisherman all his life. Throughout that time, including a 54 year career as an outdoor artist and writer for the Bangor Daily News, Hennessey saw a lot of changes take place in the outdoors world, and most weren’t for the good. He reflects on those changes in the book, but mostly from a nostalgic viewpoint, rather than a negative one. “Leave Some For Seed” is truly a beautiful collection of Maine essays and artwork from one of the absolute best. It makes for some great light reading for those times when you can’t get out there, but want to see it just the same. Published by Islandport Press, “Leave Some For Seed” can be found online or in bookstores throughout Maine.
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